Staying on Track and Getting Stuff Done

13 May 2016 Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK

Everyone has those moments where they’re saying to themselves: “I have a crazy amount to do, but because I have so much to do, I can’t get anything done.” It’s like being stuck in a weird cycle of trying to actually get a task complete but ending up two steps behind. Before you know it, the hours are disappearing and it’s getting dark and another day has gone. Sometimes, I have days where I have spent the entire day actually doing something, but I couldn’t tell you what I’ve done. For instance, I spent a lot of time on my laptop (even when I’m not blogging), but I don’t even know what I’m doing. I guess that’s the definition of browsing the web. But I really don’t like those days. As much as I enjoy relaxing and lounging around, I like to feel like I have accomplished something or at least moved forward a little bit. Over the past year, I’ve discovered a few methods I use to help me stay on track and GET. STUFF. DONE.

I do find it very easy to forget the smaller tasks when my brain is in high speed mode and I can’t tell up from down. While I find myself trying to work out what I need to do, or even constantly repeating my to-do list in my head, it’s time to write it all down. I spend so much time in Paperchase, it’s time to finally start using those (billions) of notebooks I have collected. Having different notebooks for different activities has also helped, for example: I have a notebook that is only for drafts of chatty blogposts, and I have a diary to note down different events or places I need to be, as well as a journal that is design solely for writing down to-do and shopping lists. It’s really helpful to have all that brain noise on a page rather than in my head.

It’s ridiculously easy for me to get lost in my phone. One Snapchat message and I’m watching a whole bunch of stories and have lost half an hour. The same applies to Twitter; I have notifications turned on, so whenever I’m tweeted I know immediately. This is helpful for blogging, but an enormous distraction as tapping the home tab has almost become instinctual. For the most extreme of circumstances, I will plug out my WiFi hub and work from my bedroom just so I’m not tempted to use the internet on my laptop. It’s natural to start researching things on the internet, or shopping online for your OOTD look, but before you know it, you’re completing your eighteenth BuzzFeed quiz and watching night routines on YouTube – not okay.

If listening to Eye of the Tiger on repeat was an option, I would do it, but I’m positive it would drive me crazy. Music that motivates you to work hard is definitely a top tip, because there’s always a playlist out there that’s full of songs to get you going. I tend to avoid YouTube for playlists, because I could easily end up watching a Too Faced palette tutorial rather than working. Spotify, Soundcloud, 8tracks, and Pandora are all great music streaming services that have pre-made playlists. Sometimes I prefer to use my own playlists, but try to avoid music that results in me acting out a music video in my room, or running around the house like a mad woman. It’s said that classical music helps with focus, but I find that music I’m interested in and can bop around to is great for blogging – as long as it’s not full blast!

When you’re very busy, with too much to do, it’s really easy to start doing multiple things at once, ending up with a load of half-done jobs. There have even been times when I’m excited to write blogposts and have plenty of ideas, so I’m trying to write them all out at once and it just ends up falling apart. Sticking to one task at a time is a really easy way to stay focused. With a to-do list laid out, there’s no need to stress about other things that could be forgotten. I don’t like to juggle things, simply because I’m not co-ordinated enough so pushing all else aside and working on one activity is the best way to stay on track. Although it may not seem time-effective, it means the jobs that are done are done well.

Panicking gets you absolutely nowhere. It’s really common for me to sit and think, “Oh my goodness I have so much to do and I don’t know where to start and now I can’t breath and uh-oh panic mode!” This is one of the worst mind sets to be in, as it results in the vicious cycle again. Even when working, I can get distracted and start stressing about the workload. I’ve found that taking breaks every so often is really helpful, but also training my brain to turn down all that noise, turn it into English, and turn it into action. When the worry sets in, it’s important to take a moment to step back and return with a fresh point of view. Panic mode is not a fun mode, and can be quite discouraging too.


  1. This post could not have come at a better time for me - I'm having so many days at the moment where I'm doing things but always feel like I haven't done enough and could have done so much more! I think to do lists will definitely help!
    Amy xx

  2. Lovely read babe!

    Happy Friday Doll! Kisses,

  3. Some really helpful tips! I am awful at getting distracted, buzz feed quizzes, how funny! Haha.

    Much love,
    Marianne x

  4. You are just like me there. I write EVERYTHING down. its mad lol but so handy.

    Love LC xxx

  5. Hey Anika. Glad I am not the only one who feels like that. At times I get overwhelmed when I have so much to do. Definitely writing things down helps me to stay calm and collected. It gives me direction. Have a great weekend.

  6. I've been doing my best (or trying my best) to keep up and stay organised but sometimes it's simply impossible physically. Hold on, that's an excuse, isn't it? :) Thanks for great and solid tips, hon. This is exactly that push I needed to get things together in the midst of a chaos.
    xox Nadia

  7. Awesome post - Love it! x

  8. Using do not disturb on my phone and turning on motivational music are my two go-to tricks!

    Via Sora

  9. This post is amazing! I try to avoid my phone when I have to really get things done & so I leave it to another room or something. Silent. So I don't know that it even exists. Hah.

    <3: Jasmin N
    Little Things With Jassy

  10. Great post dear ;)


  11. Amazing photos! wbij na :)

  12. I have to write everything down or else I will forget. Currently going through a few crazy weeks so staying organized with my planner helps too =o)

  13. Ahh, I needed this :D Thank you for sharing these tips, they will come in handy sooner than you think :D xx

    Make sure you enter my huge celebration giveaway :)

  14. Really good tips here! I always get so distracted. I'm distracted right now actually...

    Carly @

  15. There's so many ideas in my head today and, instead of cracking on with today's to-do list, I stupidly decided to write a plan out for the rest of the week. These tips are great though - hopefully they'll help me get my focus on! :) x

    Viva Epernay | Win a 14 Day Teatox!  

  16. I love a good old list!

    Parie x

  17. Great post babe! I really have to get better at this..

    X Merel

  18. I get the most overwhelmed when I first wake up in the morning/ feeling too cosy to get out of the covers but remembering that my time is so limited does eventually push me to get up in the mornings!

  19. I can't function without lists! Great post!
    Mademoiselle Coconath

  20. This was a really good read! I always have to write everything down as well, it helps so much :) xx



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