Rosie for Autograph Nuit Parfum - Review

3 February 2016

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If you've followed me for a while, you'll know I am totally and completely obsessed with Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. She's not only beautiful, but stylish, intelligent and talented. She has a great business head and ambition (plus a wardrobe) that's inspiring.

8 Reasons I Love The Gym

1 February 2016

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Since late last year, I have started attending my local gym around three times a week and I absolutely love it. At first, I thought it was something I would never do, but now I spend most of my time telling people about how much I love the gym and why. 

The Perfect Pressed Powder

29 January 2016

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When looking for the right powder, it can be really difficult to find one that's the right colour, will blend well with foundation and has a light but long-lasting texture. After many months of use, I think I've finally found the right one for me.

My UK Bucket List

24 January 2016

I may have my own blogging bucket list, and then a personal, ever-expanding bucket list, but I've also created a bucket list specifically linked to the United Kingdom. It's the place I was born, the place I wake up to every day and a great place to explore. This list could also contain a few ideas for those overseas who plan of taking a trip across the pond.

Blogger Breaks Are Neccessary

12 January 2016

There are a lot of bloggers who write whole blog posts on why they need a break. Explaining every reason why they need a pause from the social world or a few days or even weeks away from the big bright screen. Full-time bloggers depend on their blogs for income as well as a hobby, so when taking a break, they feel the need to totally and completely explain their motives.
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