Turning Nineteen

5 May 2015

FINALLY. I know nineteen isn't regarded as an big deal, but it's a birthday so it's still pretty exciting to me. It means I'm one step closer to being twenty which is absolutely terrifying but extremely intriguing. Turning eighteen was made out to be some extraordinary experience but I was in school and the memory wasn't that thrilling. However, one year later - my life is completely different. It's quite different to what I had pictured and planned out, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. As a spring baby, my first thought was to wear pink as I naturally associate it with the season. Without going overboard, I thought this jumper was the perfect centrepiece for this outfit while remaining simple and youthful. I chose a grey skirt to pull out the grey in the cropped sweater and lighten the overall outfit. Here's to a being a year older!
Top // Topshop
Skirt // Topshop
Bag // market in Salou
Shoes // Fred Perry

Spring Forward

4 May 2015

Eldwick, Bingley, Bingley, West Yorkshire BD16, UK
The floral trend never fails to return during the springtime but I couldn't resist. It's an easy way to a colour and pattern to an outfit, which makes it seem more exciting with less effort. It's almost a cheat, which is common with quite a few bright patterns. The fabric is chiffon which means it's quite thin, but this shirt is also really easy to use as a base layer for this outfit. Chiffon is an extremely floaty fabric, often used for elegant dresses. I love that that shirt is actually longer at the back, meaning I can wear it with leggings without breaking my rule on leggings. The most important rule in my mine: leggings are not pants. They're a thicker substitute to tights and nothing frustrates me more when really thin, almost transparent leggings are worn as casual trousers. Today I chose black shoes and leggings as I really wanted the pattern to stand out overall and all the focus to be on the pretty print. 
Shirt - M&S // Leggings - Next // Boots - Dorothy Perkins

Collection Eyes Uncovered Palette Review

1 May 2015

Collection is a make-up brand I will never give up on. Their ranges are affordable and such great quality for the range they offer. I usually head straight to the Collection shelf when I'm shopping on a budget because I know I'm going to find something I love. The Eyes Undercovered Nude Bronze Palette caught my attention immediately. With my darker skin tone, I can use a lot of bronzed colours that were originally designed for the 'nude' or 'sun kissed' make-up look. For example, I can use most bronzers as powder which is greaty for my bank account. I started using this palette as a way to experiment with more eye looks and shadow colours. Since first trying the Golden Brown shade, I have fallen in love with the set. It's a great little pack to use to create a gradient effect on your eyes for an interesting evening look. 
Each shade has a tiny hint of shimmer, some more than others. I do use a primer, but the shadows last for a very long time and remain the same colour. There are products I have used in the past that seemed to change colour over time or fade to invisibility which isn't useful and poor value for money. On the other hand, this mini palette comes with an applicator so it's easier to use on the go. Overall, I would recommend this product to all skin tones as it has a set of colour that will blend beautifully with each other and can effortlessly suit day or night.  
Shades L-R: Ivory, Mink, Ochre, Golden Brown, Ember, Nutty.

The Big Apple Obsession

29 April 2015

NYC is the city of dreams to many people. It's a magical place that seems to be full of surprises and laced with culture. New Yorkers themselves occasionally say they don't understand the fascination the outsiders have, but there are a fair few who still see the fairytale. If I was to ever visit the city, my instinct would be to do the most touristy of things - visiting Central Park, Times Square and the Grand Central Terminal. 
The admiration may have come from the many, many, television shows and films based in the city. From The Devil Wears Prada to Gossip Girl, Manhattan and its surrounding areas appear glamorous and captivating to the rest of the world. New York Fashion Week seems to be one of the most exciting events to be held by the city, not forgetting the ever-traditional New Year's Rockin' Eve. They say the city is enchanting towards the end of the year, but I can just imagine the spark lasting for 12 months out of the year. Have you ever visited NYC? 

I'm a Grown Woman

27 April 2015

Eldwick, Bingley, Bingley, West Yorkshire BD16, UK
Not only is today's post dedicated to a song I used to listen to on repeat, it's also a phrase I use as a response as much as possible. Mondays morning's are supposed to be pretty bleak, but I've received a small burst of motivation and I'm riding this until it collapses. Over the past few months I have been learning to understand reality. Accepting it is a whole other story, but I know 'adult' life is not like the picture school paints it to be. On New Year's Day, I got my first job; as the months have gone by, I have adjusted to the 9 to 5 lifestyle and finally spent time away from my computer stepping into the authenticity of today's world. At first, I hated working - sixth form made me lazy. Today, I still don't love it, but learning to channel my frustrated energy somewhere else has been very beneficial.

One thing I still struggle to understand is how everyone else is so 'okay' with being in a basic 9 to 5 job and doing the same thing every day, why not strive for more? Sure, having four digits in your savings account is a reason to smile, but what else does the simple routine offer? Thoughts like this are exactly what push and motivate me to seek more over the years I have left. The idea of being in the same positive 40 years from now is nothing short of depressing. I'm still wondering exactly what I want, but I know what I don't want.

I don't want to be in an office for the next 40-50 years.
I don't want my creativity or skills to be restricted. 
I don't want to be bored all day.
I don't want someone with a slightly higher paycheque to push me around.
I certainly don't want to work without a goal.

As we grow up, we begin to realise exactly what we don't want to do, in contrast to know exactly what we want to do. Throughout school, we're pushed to chose a career that will make us financially successful because that will mean you're automatically happy. Getting caught up in wondering what you want is how you forget what you don't want, you just settle. Don't put a lid on dreams and goals, let experiences in. 
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