Exploring Oslo: Day Two

12 June 2015

With a bright an early start, the first destination was the Universitetets Botaniske Hage Tøyenhagen, also known as the Botanical Gardens. The grounds were absolutely enormous which I loved, and it was a really challenge picking between 125 photos. I'm not much of a nature person but I do appreciate great scenery and beautiful greenery. I loved the hand-made sculptures of the maple seeds, also known as 'the helicopter leaves/seeds' in Yorkshire. Inside one building, there were some gigantic lily-pad-type plants which I was just drawn to. Their roots were over 20 meters long and I read the plants can hold the weight of a small baby!
The Nobel Peace Museum was incredibly inspiring. The ground floor had an exhibition showing off the work of Malala (who's book is amazing) and Kalala. Their ventures for peace and happiness among other humans helps you to appreciate those valuable humans in the world. Unfortunately the gift shop was way out of my budget and I lost my camera that morning. I also visited Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art (which you can see in the third cruise photo), a museum full of contemporary and artistic pieces - I spent way too long in there.
The Fjord cruise was on my to do list after the many hours spent revising Trip Advisor. The hour-long boat ride stopped near some of the islands in Oslo's centre and I slowly came to the conclusion I really want a boat. Not following the crowd or anything, but the idea of being able to float around wherever you desire seems like a great concept. The cruise-boat had two decks, so you were able to curl up cosy inside, or brave the windy water for a photo opportunity. I recommend this boat ride for anyone really wanting to get to know Oslo, you see plenty during the trip and can use the 24-hour public transport pass to ride as many times as you like!
The Royal Palace was another landmark I had previously spotted on Pinterest and knew had to be on my list. The building looked enormous in photos, but it's twice the size in person. The grounds were vast with open space and steps for tourists to walk around and explore. I also got to take a peak at the entrance of the University of Oslo which was a must. The architecture in the city is so exquisite and has a real, historic but old-school glamour to it. 
 I then spent the rest of the day, evening and night in area called Grünerløkka, known for streets filled with colourful graffiti art. It may not be the wealthiest area in Oslo, but the neighbourhood is rich with talent and personality. On every corner there was a piece of artwork to be found; one piece I absolutely adored was the hand-made chandelier hanging right between two buildings. The sun hits it perfectly at every angle and the colours that shimmer during the night are mesmerising. The end the day, I relaxed at outdoor bar named Blå, right in the centre of all the action. The alternative club often has live music and runs right by a river with the best views of artists at work. I would head back to Oslo just for another night in Grünerløkka!

8 Lies Girls Always Tell

10 June 2015

"I deserve a treat."
This is something I say way to often and it's never true. I could work hard for fifteen minutes and then believe I deserve and enormous glass of white wine. It's just how the mind works.
"I have nothing to wear."
She says staring at a closet full of hundreds of items of clothing. For girls, there needs to be a different look for every occasion, or at least they need to feel it's different. New clothes are always exciting and when we haven't had any in a while, we slowly conclude you don't have any at all.
"I'll never drink again."
Guilty. A little night on the town could easy turn into an all-night episode of Geordie Shore while doesn't result in the best feeling the next day. No matter how many times we promise ourselves we will completely abstain from alcohol, the "just one more drink" demon is stronger than estimated.
"I'll do it later."
In English: it's never getting done. Procrastination at it's finest. This line is the best way to put off a semi-important task that should probably and could probably be done on the spot; yet we still chose to ignore this instinct and place the to-do to the back of our minds, never to be thought of again.
"I have no money."
This usually means we don't want to spend any money. It's the best excuse to get out of a shopping day we know will result in a damaged debit card and a decrease in the current account. I like to have money in the bank, and convincing myself I don't have anyway is the easiest way to avoid spending it.
"I'm on a diet."
This lie can occasionally be true, but is quickly broken. Sometimes we can't resist a tremendous slice of chocolate pudding and the diet is put on the side for a day, or two. The same line also applies to those females who fall into health trends and fads.
"I'm not mad at you."
Translation: "I'm really mad at you." It's the best way to start an argument without really starting an argument. It creates that element of drama which certain girls seem to thrive from. It also creates a talking point and the perfect opportunity for a gossip session. 
"I'm almost ready."
It's never true. I could say this while still being in bed and claim to be halfway out the door. It's become more of a reflex rather than a reply. One of the longest running jokes is that girls take forever to get ready, although this isn't always true, some of us tend to move much slower than others and this little white lie is the finest way to avoid the subject. 

The Effortlessly Original Accessory

8 June 2015

I'm always on the lookout for new brands and stores to follow and adore. For me, the more unique the better. There are a lot of high street stores that sell pieces that look similar and originality seems to be lacking in that area of the market. I recently came across Wattney Kay, an online jewellery store that promotes the idea of being different by creating unique pieces of hand-crafted jewellery.
The Dutchess* is my favourite piece from their Spring/Summer 2015 line and can easily been worn throughout the year. The best thing about this brand is that it doesn't give in to the pressure of becoming mainstream and has maintain it's boldness and brilliance in every piece, promoting individuality and a little rebellion. All the collections are handcrafted in Toronto, Canada and made of mixed metal and natural stones. My favourite thing about the pieces at Wattney Kay is the edgy bohemian quality each piece has. They're unique and bring out the greatness in each outfit. I use Duchess to spice up my simple outfits during the day and even add a touch of rock 'n' roll to my evening looks, the eye-catching piece is stunning and extremely striking.
You can take a look at Duchess here, and take a look at Wattney Kay's SS15 line here.

Exploring Oslo: Day One

4 June 2015

Oslo, Norway
If you stalk me online, you may have seen countless tweets and Instagram posts of my trip to Oslo. I chose to visit Norway because I think it's a beautiful city to explore and really love. As much as I enjoy laying around on a beach with headphones in all day, I wanted to experience more of the world and Oslo happened to be one of my first choices. After arriving on Sunday night, I got an amazing night's sleep at the Anker hotel, which is only a few minutes from the city centre. 
On Monday, the first place I visited was the Vigeland Park and Sculpture Museum. Despite only planning to spend an hour or so there, I ended up spending most of the day there as the weather was certainly on my side and made my camera very happy. The park was busy and full or people of ages enjoying every aspect of art and leisure. 
I then headed to the pier and Oslo Central Station. The views from the pier were amazing, and watched the boats and enormous cruise ships sail by was magical. One thing I loved was the line of restaurants and food trucks, ice cream in Norway tastes 10 times better than it does over in the UK. The Central Station was a simple landmark but still one of my favourite. Despite the area being very small, I still feel like it capture that essence of New York City, even though Grand Central Terminal is on the other side of the globe. The station had a colour display outside, which isn't usually there, but really brightened up the area and weather.
The one place I was most excited about visiting was the Oslo Opera House after seeing so many photos through Pinterest and Tumblr during the research days. The architecture was outstanding on photos but doesn't capture the real magic the building omits. Not only is the the entire building and its grounds made out of solid white marble, but the Opera House sits on a coastline to an enormous lake that gives off the most amazing views. Upon arrival, there was a show about to start, so I got to see hundreds of people flood into the House in beautiful gowns and dresses. You are able to walk to the roof and take a look at the phenomenal architecture Oslo has to offer.
At the end of the day, I managed to squeeze in a trip to Akershus Fortress an enormous castle by the pier. The castle was originally built in the 1290s out of solid stone to protect Norway's capital city. The castle has also been used as a prison and still has government and military guards protecting the grounds. Unfortunately the price of going inside was a little above my budget, but my favourite moment from the Fortress was being escorted off the grounds by a military general after staying at the top of the tower past the closing time without realising! My first day in Oslo was full of laughs and plenty of photos, it was a real challenge not to post all 300 from day one!

How to Juggle Blogging and a Full Time Job

3 June 2015

Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
I wouldn't be anywhere if I didn't plan everything. I have a day-to-page planner which means I occasionally plan my days out by the hours. I feel much more at ease with the smooth running of my blog when I can visually see what I have going on throughout the week. It's easy for tasks and ideas to get lost in the back of my memory, so it's vital I plan just about everything I do; from the moment I wake up to the hour I go to bed.
Carry a notebook and camera
I always have a notebook as I'm always writing posts. Whether they're freelance jobs or for Anika May, I like to have drafts written out while I have spare time so I'm not worrying about writing up a post the day it must be published. There wouldn't be as many posts on Anika May if I didn't write while I was on the go, and my iPad comes in handy for bumpy train rides too. I don't carry my DSLR everyday, but I always have my iPhone which has a high quality, perfect for getting those spontaneous shots.
I'm always taking photos of things and writing posts around them. I may photograph an outfit or product I'm obsessed with and have it saved on my computer for weeks before I draft commentary on it. Similarly, when I do have drafts written up, I take the photos before I plan to set the post to go live. It's another task that's no longer weighing on my brain and it's important to take advantage of the sunlight while I can.
Some bloggers believe in scheduling posts and other don't. For the good of Anika May, I prefer to have posts scheduled in advance as I'm quite busy outside my blog. When I'm away from my computer, I don't always have the resources to publish posts immediately so I can schedule them to go live while I handle working full time. I don't tend to schedule posts for more than a week in advance, as a lot can change in that time and always go over features before they go live.
Don't panic
Panicking about getting tasks done is it's own form of procrastination. If I'm worrying about Anika May my job becomes very difficult and visa versa. It's all about finding that balance between the both and easing the pressure on both ends. Blogging is a hobby I will always enjoy and never give up, making that passion one of the best shapes of motivation to work hard and achieve my goals.
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