
10 Big Blogging Struggles

24 October 2016

Harrogate, UK
Being completely honest, there are quite a few aspects of blogging I find difficult. Sometimes the weather isn't on my side, sometimes my face isn't on my side and sometimes I'm just feeling to lazy to function and all I want to do is lay around the house watching Captain America movies. However, there are ten aspects in particular, that can only be describes as a struggle

My Blogging Bucket List

2 September 2015

On occasion, there are times where I have to really motivate myself into blogging. My lazy tendencies are ready to kick in as soon as I try to force myself into blogging, and the only thing that ends up in full swing is my ability to procrastinate. However, one way I do try to jump start my writing mojo is a blogging bucket list. Of course, with blogging, success isn't measured by numbers or opportunities; but it is beneficial to have goals set in place, eve if they're overambitious. Whether blogging is a hobby or a job, it's something we do because it makes us happy. There's no time limit or deadline. I found the most enjoyable way to create a bucket list full of achievements, goals and experiences I wish to accomplish.
Contribute to a leading fashion magazine
Whether it's simply being featured or writing a piece myself, I hope to one day be featured in the pages I spend hours fawning over.
Receive an element of recognition for writing
Not necessarily a journalism award, but even a nice message or email would make my day. There's a great feeling in someone enjoying or complimenting something you put forth. 
Attend blogger events
I have attended a few events before, but unfortunately majority of the events are held in London. Still, there are more I would love to visit and experience.
Blog for life
Blogging has become something I'm so passionate about, I'm constantly thinking about the next thing. Although I'm not in that position at the moment, I would love to be able to blog full-time and be happy with my career. 
Travel and post about it
I wouldn't exactly call myself a travel blogger, but visiting Oslo recently helped me to realise I adore travelling around. From the flight to simply exploring something new, I love every aspect of taking off around the world. 
Meet more bloggers
There's an amazing community the bloggers share. Even being part of Twitter chats shows how much we support each other.
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