Nutri Advanced Magnesium Glycinate Tablets | Review

24 July 2017

I’m always open to anything that will improve my health. After all, good physical and mental health are incredibly important, and both have to be maintained! When I got the opportunity to try Nutri Advanced’s Magnesium Glycinate tablets*, I jumped with excitements because it’s a mineral I’ve never tried before, and experimenting is always fun.

I didn’t know much about magnesium before trying the tablets because I didn’t pay much attention in science, and had no idea the body even needed it. But I found out, magnesium is essential for the production of energy within every cell in the body, and it contributes to the electrolyte balance within the body. Shocked? Same. Magnesium is also an essential for the normal functioning of the nervous system, the psychological function and the muscle function.

The tablets I tried were high-strength magnesium glycinate which is a superior form of the mineral that is well absorbed. Plus, it’s very easy on the digestive system and wonderful for those with a magnesium deficiency. Fun fact: almost 100% of people in the UK are not meeting the recommended daily allowance for magnesium, mainly due to poor soil and processed foods, so pretty much the whole UK has a deficiency. Magnesium deficiency can result in poor mood (from anxiety to insomnia), low energy (like fatigue and poor memory), and bad physical performance (such as very low energy and even muscle cramps). I’ve struggled with fatigue and tiredness, as well as anxiety so these tablets could not have arrived at a better time.

I took the tablets for three weeks straight, twice a day (with meals) and continue to take them today. At first, I didn’t notice any different. But that was expected. After a week, I started to feel a difference in my muscles and athletic performance – bear in mind, I am not an athletic person. As I’ve recently started running and jogging multiple times a week, my body is developing and getting a lot stronger. Magnesium itself helps keep calcium within the bones and teeth, and so far, my bones haven’t suffered in the slightest – and I know the tablets have aided this. Similarly, I usually feel drained throughout the day and was worries running would amplify these feelings. Luckily, after a week, the effects of more magnesium began to kick in and I had energy through the day, as well as post-workout.
By week two, I was actually feeling extra energy, not just enough to get me through the day. I also felt an improvement in my sleeping pattern, in the sense that my pattern basically fixed itself. A couple of weeks ago, I used to wake throughout the night, which is incredibly annoying when you’re as lazy as I am. Then I was feeling lethargic and cranky during the day as my sleep was constantly disturbed. Now, after weeks on the tablets, I’m feeling waaaaaaaaay better.

I decided to continue with the tablets after loving the benefits over a fortnight, and even another week before writing a full review. By week three and four, I was feeling a complete difference regarding my “everyday” anxiety. I’m a natural-born worrier, or a “chronic worrier” as Rebecca puts it ;) Stress always triggers some form of anxiety for me, whether it’s social or OCD. I’ve found the tablets have truly helped with day-to-day anxieties. It’s no cure, but things that would usually make me irritable or distressed aren’t that big of a problem anymore, which in turn is helping me on my quest to be more positive. And more, I’m feeling a lot calmer each day.

For example, a customer started effing and jeffing down the phone at work, which would usually result in me feeling like I’m on fire, before wanting to throw-up or cry… whichever comes first. Yet, over the last week (when an incident like this happened), I ended the call thinking “eh, whatever” and continued with my day. It didn’t play on my mind, I wasn’t feeling tense, and I didn’t feel the need to self-combust. A huge improvement for me.  The tablets have helped many others too, check out the results on the product page!

I really like the tablets and found them very soft on my system. My body can be quite sensitive, but these tablets haven’t cause my skin, attitude or muscles to suffer. They also haven’t affected my asthma, which has happened with other supplements. Nutri Advanced’s product came is brilliant time, and arrived with a whole load of information for me to read beforehand. The only downside to the tablets is the size, they’re quite large, but can be broken in half for easier swallowing. I’m very happy I got the chance to try magnesium glycinate and feel even happier with the outcome. I’m so glad I discovered Nutri Advanced! 

Have you ever tried magnesium tablets? How did you find them? 

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