It’s a chance to grow
Once rejection hits, you have the opportunity to let it destroy you, or make you stronger. Everyone’s heard the whole “what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger” motto, and it’s true. Self-doubt can be converted into self-reflection and provides the motivation to change those little things that would make you a better person, to your own standards of course. Sometimes, all that’s needed is that kick up the bum or slap in the face to alter an outlook on life or create room to grow.
Ever look back at rejection and think: “Thank goodness that happened”? I do. There’s been jobs I was desperate to have, thinking it was going to be the greatest step in my life. Then when I didn’t get the position I wanted, I thought “…oh well”. Now looking back, I truly feel grateful the opportunity wasn’t handed to me because I got the chance to start over, and find something better. It’s good to remember there’s always something better around the corner.
You took a risk
Life gets a little boring if you only ever play it safe. Although it’s good sometimes to refuse to gamble, at the same time, it’s important to take a risk and put yourself out there. That’s how we learn life lessons and figure out the type of person we want to be. No matter what form the rejection comes in, you still took a risk, even if it didn’t pay off. It’s something to learn from and something to remember.
Let downs make victories feel better
It’s known that you appreciate something more, after losing something first. Well, losing out on something, or being rejected in some way makes acceptance taste that much sweeter. It’s like the giant payoff after a long wait, or countless failed attempts. I always think of it as playing one of those basketball arcade games. I’m terrible at them, and hardly get any in, but the minute one ball falls through the basket, I feel awesome and I’m on a roll. The same applies to rejection! You may have faced your fair share of no’s in the past, but that one yes is going to mean so much more.
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