Dear Teenage Me,
It’s officially been two whole years since you were a teenager and so much has changed. Let’s just say I’m writing this from the future, and I have some tips to help you through those rough years.
So, you’re thirteen. You’ve been in school for about a year and a half and so far, you’re loving it. Here’s my first tip: stay positive, because there are numerous factors that will try to dim your light. Friends, teachers, family and even your surroundings. Don’t let those negative vibes get into your heart. One more thing… do not create a Facebook account and set a pair of Converse as your profile photo.
Now you’re fourteen. Your first crush just passed you in the hallway and he’s dating your best friend. Don’t stress about him, boys are trash. Actually, don’t stress about anything. You’ve already completed your first proper exam and to be honest: they all feel like that. They’re not that big of a deal and in five years you’ll look back and laugh at how silly you were.
You made it to fifteen. Life is shooting by, and you’re desperate for it to slow down. Right now, is the prime of teenage life so make as many memories as possible. Friends will come and go, but those memories will last forever. You’ll finally invest in that camera you were desperate for, and start up your first blog: Mannequin Mode. Oh, and you’ll discover Tumblr – that’s loads of fun.
Hurray, sixteen! Bebo is long gone, and Facebook is pretty dead to you too. Now a couple of things are legal for you, but it doesn’t mean you have to do them all. I’m begging you, stop flirting with your science partner and focus on your GCSE’s. You know what you want to do, fall in love with it. And try blogging again, I really think you’ll like it.
So seventeen has rolled around and you feel no different. Although that whole adult thing is starting to set in. Don’t be scared! Remember when I said negative feelings have no room in your heart? That still applies. Sixth form is in full swing and it’s truly your time to shine. You may only have a few friends, but don’t lose that confidence. Don’t let anxiety win.
Congratulations, you reached eighteen. I guess you ignored my previous advice because it seems anxiety is ruling your life. But not to worry, you’ll start taking the steps to fight it, you just have to accept it. Everyone’s pushing you to go to university but you hate school and know you don’t want to go. Don’t bother with UCAS and don’t let anyone bully you into it. Now that you’re legally an adult, you can buy alcohol – not that you weren’t drinking it like orange juice before. Chill out with that. You know that blog, Anika May? Keep going with that.
Nineteen! Last year of being a teen and the time you want to mature and become more independent. You’ll get your first job during this year and hate it. But that’s normal. There’s people there that will trigger your anxiety and those down days. But focus on the good, and it’ll be over soon. That doctor’s appointment you booked? Go. Forget the opinions of others and you’ll soon start to see that confidence shine. Be happy with your body, your face and your mind. Once you believe it, you’ll see it. I promise.
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