A lot of the posts on Anika May begin with “I’m very lazy”, and honestly that hasn’t changed. I still like laying around and doing nothing. When I was working full time, I was never (ever) a morning person; in fact I dreaded the sound of an alarm each daybreak before the same routine into a chilly train station and miserable march to the workplace with a whole bunch of strangers. Since changing my environment, I’ve found it beneficial to get up earlier and get used to it, giving me more hours in the day and a head start on the healthy lifestyle I’m aiming for.
A protein-filled breakfast
I could easily have a bagel, pilled with Nutella and
marshmallows for breakfast everyday but I know it’s not the best start.
Although it tastes great, it’s stodgy, fatty food that only makes me lethargic and
feel even lazier. Not only am I introducing myself to a firmer diet (which I’ll
be documenting), but discouraging my love for no-no foods. A new breakfast
cereal I’m becoming obsessed with is Weetabix – super simple. I could easily
make a fancy Instagram-worthy acai bowl, but I just don’t have the time on a
morning and I like something warm too.
Yoga, pilates and running
I’m growing more towards working out, but it’s still not my
favourite thing in the world. I like to motivate myself using Pinterest boards
and YouTube videos, some of my favourites include Yoga With Adriene, Blogilates and Fitness Blender. Working
out in the morning gives me energy for the day, and a much better mind-set. I
can listen to my favourite tunes while watching the sunrise and warm up easily
in the winter. I used to work out in the evenings which meant taking off my
makeup from the day and lazily doing sit ups until I ended up on my phone – not
Pep talks
Don’t get me wrong, waking up at 6am or before is not stress-free.
Especially during the winter months when it’s a lot darker at that time in the
morning. Although my body clock has adjusted now, I really struggled to abandon
the warmth of my humble bed. To this day, I still have to give myself around 10
minutes to actually come round for a night’s sleep, but in the beginning it was
all about pep talks. Pep talks lead to motivation and that’s the best method
for me to actually start moving. Giving myself a real reason, really helped me to get up… “Let’s do this.”
Extra time
I’m forever complaining about the lack of time in a day. Sometimes
there’s just so much to do and never enough time to do it! One of the biggest
benefits of becoming a morning person is having the extra few hours in a day. I
don’t work out every day so being able to get up and hop onto the computer to
schedule a blog post of finish the odd report is so much better than lazily lying
in bed trying type with one eye shut. The sense of accomplishment after a long
day is unbeatable.
A better diet
As mentioned earlier, I’m really trying to bring in a newer,
healthier diet and waking up earlier is incredibly advantageous. In the
morning, I don’t eat an enormous meal so I’m already feeling better. Lunches
can be a bit of a hit or miss, sometimes I just really need a burger.
However, as I go to bed earlier, I never want to fall asleep on a full stomach
so my dinners are much lighter – a massive improvement. I still need to work on
the Sunday roasts… but I’m getting there.
Warm baths and showers
Isn’t being cosy just the best? Whether it’s day or night, a
steamy shower is just what I need. I love to go all out when it comes to baths,
and usually take them before bed if I have the time. Baths are amazingly relaxing,
especially with a solid playlist and scented candles everywhere. A shower is
the perfect wake-up call, as long as you can bare stepping into the ice cold
artic that is anywhere outside of the bubble of happiness.
Rewards and treats
It can be really hard to get up sometimes, really really hard. I don’t always like it, but
know it needs to be done. On the days where leaving the duvet seems impossible,
but I managed to get through it, I give myself a little prize. Why not? On
occasion, it may be a cheat meal, or rather a new dress from ASOS – just something
to make me smile. It’s so important to treat yourself whenever you can, and I
much prefer to do it when I feel like I have actually done something reward-worthy.
If I plan a treat in advance, it helps put me to bed on time too.
Are you a morning person?
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