10 Ways to Make Your Commute More Interesting

25 April 2016 Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK

The average commute time in the UK is about an hour, which is an enormously large amount of time to be bored. While working in Leeds, my commute time was around 25 minutes and I used to dread having to sit on a cramped train with nothing to do and awkwardly avoiding eye contact. Commuting used to be a nightmare for me, mainly because I get bored easily and there’s not exactly much to look at on a train that’s travelling at 120mph. Over the last year, I’ve figured out a few ways to make that travel time seem a lot shorter and more enjoyable.

#1 Download an audiobook
Don’t worry, I’m not going to force everyone to join Audible or anything. But having an audiobook is especially helpful for those who don’t have a lot of room to move about. When squashed from window to wall, there’s nothing more irritating that trying to turn a page or skip a song. The slightest movements generate a few odd looks from fellow travellers, so an audiobook is a great way to enjoy a story you love on the go.

#2 Create the perfect playlist
Sadly, this isn’t a tip I’ve yet mastered, but I’m working on it! It’s hard to create a playlist that’s just right because moods are constantly shifting. Sometimes you can shuffle a playlist, but every song is somehow the wrong song. However, creating a great selection of uplifting tunes is an easy way to get lost in the music and forget the awful commute. Nothing beats jamming in a car too!

#3 Catch up with the world
When I find I have a long journey ahead, I used the time to catch up on emails and comments. I absolutely love reading comments on my blog, as well as notifications on Twitter, Tumblr and Pinterest. For the businessmen and businesswomen of the world, the commute is the most time they spend stuck to their phone, getting the bulk out of the way.

#4 People watch
I think people watching has become a hobby for me. No matter where I am, I just can’t help it. One very important thing to remember, is to never ever ever get caught. It is bad enough being seen staring at someone once, but twice? Practise makes perfect, and a long commute is the ideal time to be a bit of a nosey parker.

#5 Plan your meals
As I’m on a brand new diet which isn’t too strict but only includes healthy food, it’s really important for me to decide what meals I’m going to eat or I tend to settle for the quickest one I can find – usually something unhealthy and covered in Nutella. While working full-time, I also found planning meals helping to make evenings less stressful.

#6 Exercise
If work isn’t too far away, why not walk, ride or park further away? I wish I was able to cycle to work but the hills of Yorkshire are a little too much for me, however this doesn’t stop me from getting off the bus a few stops earlier, meaning I have to walk for an extra 10 minutes. In some cases, this means getting up earlier (usually a no-no for me) but if I burn a good amount of calories, I’ll let it slide.

#7 Take a snooze
It’s not uncommon to spot people getting some kip while on a jam-packed train. Personally, I have no idea how people sleep stood up, it will always be a mystery to me as it’s just not natural. But once you have a comfy seat, it’s so easy to daydream and eventually slip off into sleep. However, the next step is remembering to wake up before you’ve passed your stop!

#8 Catch up on a TV show
Most trains and buses have free WiFi. Although it’s no super-expensive fibre optic broadband, it does work. Netflix gets plenty of use on my way to work as I like to catch up on TV shows as well as discover new ones. Time passes really quickly when TV is involved; and I like to use to time to catch up on my YouTube subscriptions too.

 #9 Download plenty of games
While working in Leeds, I would often catch at least eight or nine different people playing Candy Crush. Sometimes, there’s even extreme gamers with portable consoles and headsets. Games with a story, levels or progression are a favourite. Personally, I like a little bit of Sims City or an app to really get lost in, as it helps the time go by and is a great distraction.

#10 Learn something new

Whether it’s practising your knitting skills or learning a new language, practising a skill is a really easy way to make a commute more interesting. The longer the travel time, the more practice can take place. I wouldn’t go as far as learning a new instrument, but I always like to improve writing skills, plus I’m currently trying (but failing) to learn French!
Image taken from Tumblr.


  1. I don't live too far away from where I work, but when I used to go to school about 40 minutes from where I live, I used to read books, and plan out my dinner haha.
    Blue Jazzmin

  2. My commute isn"t all too long but I always watch youtube videos to pass the time. Great tips
    Happy Monday!
    Stefanie | Casualllyawkward | Bloglovin'

  3. For the 'learn something new' idea, I've got an app called Memorise which I've been learning another language on :) x
    Freyas Fashion Chapter

  4. Love these great ideas!
    xo, Jane

  5. Currently, I work from home... but definitely had a commute back in college from the 'burbs to the city, as I chose not to live downtown. Commuting really is a great time to "catch up" on so much!!

    All the Cute 🎀

  6. Very interesting. Great tips!
    Good vibes, FOX
    check out my latest VLOG and my blog

  7. I'm either listening to podcasts, or making myself a to do list for all things I want to get done as soon as I come home!


  8. This is such a great post - I usually just listen to some music on my travels but these tips will help me get some more variety. I travel back and forth the country quite a lot so this is very helpful :)
    - Ambar | Her Little Loves

  9. These are some great tips :) http://www.bauchlefashion.com

  10. Great tips! I often plan my week or my daily schedule, send emails and sleep (my favourite one). But we have to keep an eye on the train stops otherwise we might end up in some weird places


  11. Audiobooks are my favourite! I drive to work so don't get to do much people watching and it's difficult to get 'lost' in my own world, but I always feel a little bit productive if I've got through half a chapter of a book before I get to my desk at work.

    Sinéad ♥ fabuleuse, toujours ♥

  12. I commute to work on the train and I usually catch up on my instagram and buzzfeed news =o) but some days I enjoy people watching because you get to see a variety of interesting people on the train =o)


  13. I don't commute via train, I have a 2 hour round trip everyday so if you have any tips on car rides let me know! I used to love commuting, listening to music and people watching are two of my favourite things!

    Cultivation of Jasmin

  14. Ah, this is such a lovely post - I love the tips you've shared, they're all great! :)

    Layla xx


  15. I don't tend to do too many painful commutes anymore but I used to do a lot of long journeys, I wish I'd thought to download an audiobook!



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