5 Things I've Learned by Growing Up

20 July 2015

You define your confidence.
I'm still a very shy person. I think that's a trait I'll always have but I'm okay with it. I was never okay with how low my confidence used to be. Nowadays, I still get nervous when there's a lot of attention on me, but my immediate thought is no longer a negative one. I don't automatically think people are looking at me because they've spotted one of my insecurities. That's all because I slowly began to realise my increase in confidence is all about what's in my mind, not what I can see in the mirror. I began to adopt the "I don't care" attitude about a lot of things which can be a blessing and a curse. When I shop, I don't buy clothes two sizes bigger or avoid shoes with heels, and that's a pretty big step for me.

Turn comparison into motivation.
It's incredibly easy to see another blogger, or just another person and begin over analysing and comparing what you have with what they have. It's not difficult to scroll through Instagram and immediately begin to correlate appearances. When I first started blogging, I used to compare my blog with every other blog I came across - it's not healthy. Now when I stalk other blogs, (which I live to do), I realise how this amazing community is expanding and how much I love being a part of it. It become motivation to continue doing what I love rather than jealously and a really unhealthy attitude.

I want to see the world.
There's something so fascinating when learning about new places. Developing the mind and beginning to understand cultures and different ways of living keeps each day interesting. Do research from home and creating Pinterest boards is fun, but I know my future plans include jetting off to every edge of the Earth. A different view every month is what I'd like to achieve and my journey to Oslo taught me that. Travelling is an experience that can be very humbling, but also opens your eyes to the world around you.

I want/need more friends.
I know followers aren't friends, but I can't lie, having those few people say nice things to you every so often is something that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. It doesn't have to be a comment, it could be a tweet or even a tumblr message. I'm not exactly the most the social butterfly in the North, but I know how much I love the social aspect of blogging - it's something I really want to expand.

The working world is not all it's cracked up to be.
I can't wait to one day say "started from the bottom now we're here" because at the moment, the bottom isn't too fun. School always made out like the working world was going to be an easy journey. Once you're done with education, you'd immediately get a job (doesn't happen) and success just flows in (doesn't happen either). It takes a whole lot of hard work and elbow grease to work your way to the top, and at 19 I still have a long way to go.


  1. I can relate. I love your posts like this, and you write well too ;)

    The Flower Duet

  2. Fantastic post. I think we can all relate to your feelings. I believe you will achieve your dreams! :) Have a blissful day!

    xo, Bry


  3. Agreed! I definitely wish to travel more and working life is hard. I left uni 2 years ago and went straight into my current job (I was really blessed). But once you start working you never really stops and that scares me a little. Sometimes I fell like I work more than anything else. I want permanent holidays :p haha

    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥

  4. everything you've written is exactly how i feel! i used to be painfully shy to the point where i hated myself, and though i'm more of an 'i don't care' type now, i still think it's why i don't have a ton of close friends. that's why i love the blogging community too :)

    and as for travelling the world, i'm working now purely to save the money to do that. we'll get there one day i hope haha!

    this is a great post :)

    Elena | Itchy Bones

  5. What a lovely post! Very wise words :) xx


  6. The first one is definitely true , confidence matters a lot and it gets better as you get older, great post , have a great week.


  7. I wanna save this post a read it everything I'm feeling those feelings of insecurities. Im glad I came across to your blog! You seem to be a beautiful soul! =)

  8. Thank you for opening up like this and sharing these thoughts! I feel very identified. I used to compete with other blogs too when I had my last blog, but now I understand it was because I was living a very hard situation that made me feel insecure. Being part of the blogging community is one of the best things I have :)


  9. As a 21 year old, I totally understand lots of these lessons!

    Natalie Gennaoui

  10. These are all great things! My fav is Turn comparison into motivation & The working world is not all it's cracked up to be. Such great words to live by!


  11. I loved this post! I have just graduated from University and start my first real job tomorrow so this post feels very relevant to me right now :)

    - Grace's Gaze xx

    1. Good luck! Congrats on landing the job too!

  12. A really interesting and nice post.
    I like the part you explain that you are a shy person who does not like being the center of attention and in the end you've adapted to love you as you are and you do not care what others think, happens to me exactly what same.I was delighted to discover yourself this blogger world.
    Kisses from Spain.


  13. The i dont care attitude is my lifestyle. I must say I have learned I will never please everyone so I may as well as live my life happily. Great post hun!

    xx Falasha
    Bite My Fashion ll Instagram ll Bloglovin'

  14. omg I agree with everything you said! At 17 I'm starting to realize that the world isn't all that great but if I work hard enough I'll get there haha


  15. I am the exact same with friends...I have almost got to the point of giving up!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  16. All things you just said up there are the most truthful ones. I loved reading this post and realizing that those 5 things actually really apply to me too. Especially blogging ones and travel. Thank you for sharing, Anika :) x

    -Leta | The Nerdy Me

  17. You are right. People should not compare themselves because we are all different people.
    We have different function in this world.

    The Bandwagon Chic | Instagram | Bloglovin

  18. You define your confidence is the most important one, I think. It's the advice that has helped me the most in my life!


  19. Totally relate to ur feelings! Travelling opens our mind and heart.

  20. totally love this post
    thank you for the wonderful reminder
    style frontier

  21. This is such a great post and totally relate-able! Growing up is tough!!

    Clothes & Quotes

  22. Such a great post, I would happily go back to school, you don't realise how easy it all was, working is horrible I have been working full time for 3 years now, and I really wish I had taken school/college more seriously because I am now in a job that I hate! I want to be a kid again :(

    Meme xx

    New Post:
    'But first.. Let me take a selfie*'

  23. Love this post, I relate SO much!! x

  24. I enjoyed reading this, why? because I can related to all of the above especially the needing of more friends and the confidence.

    Dice, '96 Wild Heart

  25. I really enjoyed reading this post, love your writing style! I can totally relate :)


  26. that last thing you wrote about the working world is so true- we have a misconception that finding work is easy and that such a thing as a steady job still exists. the game has changed


  27. Comparison into motivation is such a great idea! I need to channel that more and use that idea. Also, the working world, PREACH. They need to teach classes about that before you enter!

    Denise | Fashion Love Letters

  28. Fab post :) I'd love to travel more too :) x

    The Belle Narrative

  29. Very interesting post, I can totally relate, and most of this applies to me as well! Thanks for sharing!
    XO IMKE | Pastellics

  30. Nothing can quite prepare you for growing up! I recently did a post on using comparison to motivate yourself so I can totally relate to you on that point. it's funny how getting older also makes you less shy in a way and more confident in yourself. You can still be shy but you are able to cope with situations better, I think :) x

    Brenda BusyBee | Win a Travalo Perfume Atomiser

  31. Awesome insights - more power to you!


  32. All so true!

    xo Kylie

  33. I was always so scared of growing up. I dreaded turning the age 18, but when i look at it now i actually had nothing to be scared of! Great post! I can really relate to want/needing more friends and wanting to see the world!

    Courtney | http://courtzmelv.com

  34. This was such a wonderful post and I can tell you one thing that I feel each of these points almost everyday. :)

    -Wildfire Charm

  35. The things you've said are so honest and I identify with all of them! I love receiving little out of the blue nice messages on twitter and tumblr too, they're so uplifting! x


  36. It seems like we have a lot in common because I agree with you on every point. Definitely the last one is so true: it's not easy finding and keeping a job in this economy!

    x Karen


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