Decisions I Made I Don't Regret

7 September 2015

Organising everything
Since actually growing up and working full-time, I have totally and completely become a neat freak. Everything has to be in a specific order for my brain to function and it helps me work much faster and more efficiently. I'm not quite at an OCD level, but if something is out of place, I have to correct it immediately. This perfectionist attitude is something I used to view as a curse, now I see it as a blessing. I can think straight and any feelings of anxiousness are excluded when my mind is on track.
Cutting fake friends
I no longer talk to anyone I considered a friend in school. I'm not suggesting you cut out all your best friends, but as I look back, I'm so happy I didn't stay stuck in a group of girls who I didn't really trust or feel happy around. It took a lot of courage to drift away from something that felt familiar and venture out on my own, but I'm so much more confident now. Today, I have a group of friends who accept me for exactly who I am and build me up, rather than make me feel small. 
I did kind of enjoy studying, I'm weird like that. But one thing I'll never forget is how hard I worked in school. Sadly, I didn't have that attitude in the beginning, but as I grew, I realised it was time to pull my socks up. At the moment, I'm in a job that could sprout into a career for the rest of my life. But if I decide I don't want to do that any more, I luckily have my positive grades to fall back on. To anyone going through exams or entering a new year in education: work hard, education is a luxury and is worth the struggle. 
For me, blogging meant really putting myself out there. I still never take selfies so taking pictures of myself with a professional camera can be a challenge. There are still people who don't know I have a blog, but it's not something I'm embarrassed about. I've learned a great deal since blogging and realised what I'm truly passionate about. Blogging has given me the time and motivation to understand what kind of person I'd like to grow into which I could never regret.
Changing my wardrobe
Since moving on into a new friendship group and new era of my life, I totally shook up my wardrobe. My attitude towards clothing hasn't changed, I still don't allow opinions to influence my dress choices, and I do wear things that make me feel good inside. There are some days where I feel like dressing as if I'm the new girl on the Upper East Side and others when I dress like a true Northern farm chic. But I have realised that abiding to social trends and choice isn't going to make me happy. 
Avoiding university
I was the only girl out of my friendship group at school to skip university. I still went through the UCAS process as teachers forced me to, and rather than complain non-stop, I did exactly what was asked for me. But before even getting to that stage, I knew I did not want to go. Still, I was pushed to apply and did so. I received four unconditional offers and one conditional offer, including offers from LCF and UAL. Everyone was ecstatic except me because it's not what I wanted. So I ignored interviews and skipped open days until the offers ran out in the summer. That decision is one I'll never regret because I'm very happy blogging from my bedroom and working everyday to learn more through experience rather than books. 

Typical Tartan

5 September 2015

Dress - custom made // Bag - TK Maxx (Fiorelli) // Boots - Next (similar) //Watch - M&S (old)
There's something I just adore about a typical tartan print. No matter what the colour, I'm naturally drawn to the pattern and I think it's idea for the upcoming season. I think the versatility is one this I really like. The criss-crossed arrangement can be found on a wide range of fabric, from silk for a scarf or cotton for a dress, despite tartan originating in woven wool. As it always comes in every colour possible, the print is really easy to dress up or down. My dress could be taken as an example, black is by far the easiest colour to dress around and happens to be the base colour for my ensemble. The subtle stripes of pink and grey bring the dress to life without going to far. I am trying to wear more colours this year so I added my bright blue handbag as a staple accessory. Finally, my suede boots match the colour of my dress and casually contract with the fabric of my dress without clashing. 
What do you think about the tartan fabric? Yae or nay? 

My Blogging Bucket List

2 September 2015

On occasion, there are times where I have to really motivate myself into blogging. My lazy tendencies are ready to kick in as soon as I try to force myself into blogging, and the only thing that ends up in full swing is my ability to procrastinate. However, one way I do try to jump start my writing mojo is a blogging bucket list. Of course, with blogging, success isn't measured by numbers or opportunities; but it is beneficial to have goals set in place, eve if they're overambitious. Whether blogging is a hobby or a job, it's something we do because it makes us happy. There's no time limit or deadline. I found the most enjoyable way to create a bucket list full of achievements, goals and experiences I wish to accomplish.
Contribute to a leading fashion magazine
Whether it's simply being featured or writing a piece myself, I hope to one day be featured in the pages I spend hours fawning over.
Receive an element of recognition for writing
Not necessarily a journalism award, but even a nice message or email would make my day. There's a great feeling in someone enjoying or complimenting something you put forth. 
Attend blogger events
I have attended a few events before, but unfortunately majority of the events are held in London. Still, there are more I would love to visit and experience.
Blog for life
Blogging has become something I'm so passionate about, I'm constantly thinking about the next thing. Although I'm not in that position at the moment, I would love to be able to blog full-time and be happy with my career. 
Travel and post about it
I wouldn't exactly call myself a travel blogger, but visiting Oslo recently helped me to realise I adore travelling around. From the flight to simply exploring something new, I love every aspect of taking off around the world. 
Meet more bloggers
There's an amazing community the bloggers share. Even being part of Twitter chats shows how much we support each other.

Last Day of Summer

31 August 2015

Top - Matalan // Shorts - Matalan // Sandals - Dorothy Perkins (similar) // Bag - TK Maxx // Jewellery - various charity shops
Just about everyone in existence is saying this, but I can't believe it's September tomorrow. A year ago, that would mean the dreaded school season returns. Today, that just means yet another working day. I have been counting down the hours to this summer bank holiday because there hasn't been a public holiday since May and it's a long time overdue. For most, the bank holiday means a day shopping or relaxing in the sun. Sadly, I live in the North and I can happily shop on my lunch break. However, I am visiting Birmingham with a group of my friends today to explore a city we haven't been to before. But first, I wanted to show off my official 'last day of summer' look because it's literally the last day of summer. 
My shorts are a new favourite, bought in a bid to look more summery throughout the warmer seasons because I never usually do. To go with them, I would usually gravitate towards a black t-shirt or something else very dull, so instead I chose to go with a bright pink top which brings out the lighter colours in my patterned shorts. My gladiator sandals have been in my closet for longer than I can remember, they're still in such amazing condition and have become my go-to shoe for the warmer weather. I was actually quite surprised that the metallic tint of the sandals matches well with most items in my wardrobe, making them some of the most versatile shoes I own. 
I hope you're enjoying your bank holiday weekend and get up to plenty of fun!

Let's Connect!

30 August 2015

One of my all-time favourite ways of finding new blogs and connecting with the ones I love is Bloglovin'. I came across the site naturally when starting my blogger and haven't logged out since. 
As an incredibly nosey Northerner, I love finding out more about the people behind the blog and I also think it's good for readers and followers to do so. 
If you have a Bloglovin' page, feel free to pop over to my profile page. There, you can find an archive of Anika May posts, for the good ones to the very, very, bad ones. You can also follow me to be notified of every time I post something new on my blog, as well as add Anika May to your collection of followed blogs. Anika May is also on Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest (@itsanikamay). which I can never seem to log out of and Tumblr never stops running. I would also love to get to know and interact with the people that come across my page, it's so exciting for me and a brand new experience too. Nip over and say hi!
I hope you had a lovely weekend, watch this space for a brand new OOTD tomorrow morning!
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